
Like last year, this summer we are once again welcoming numerous student interns from other renowned universities in Europe and overseas to join our team for a few weeks...

The Go-KI project, in particular our work on Explainable AI and various applications in the ZEKI real-world laboratory, were presented at this year's Long Night of Science (LNDW) at TU Berlin....

Our first XAI Paper Reading Meetup on February 21th was a huge success. We could welcome 20 guests at ZEKI and another 10 via Zoom. After the presentation of the paper ...

The goal of Explainable AI (XAI) is to answer questions such as: Why did the AI make this decision? Can I trust the decision? Is it fair? However, the methods of XAI...

The first meeting of our workshop series on tangible and explainable AI for the common good, which is being held as part of the Go-KI project (, will take place on February 21st. The Federal Ministry for…

Our new AI framework "OPACA" (Open, Language- and Platform-Independent API for Containerized Agents) is now available open-source on Github ( With OPACA, distributed AI applications can be developed, whereby individual aspects, or...

At the end of October, we had our AI workshop as part of the workshop series organized by the BMAS. Here we had the opportunity to present the research from the Go-KI project to the participants of Civic-Coding and...

After a minimal page has been available for a few weeks, we are now happy to present our new website. Here you can find all information about the project...

We are also looking forward to offering two formats as part of the Civic Innovation Platform workshop series: An AI Consultation Hour on September 15, where we will meet "one-on-one" with individual...

As part of the "Agents in Touch" event, the Go-KI project and other DAI-Labor and GT-ARC projects were presented to TU Berlin students. As a result of this presentation, several new contacts have already been...

Today we welcomed the participants of our summer internship at the kick-off in ZEKI. We would like to thank them for the interesting presentations and informal discussions over lunch and look forward to welcoming...

During our participation in the Civic Coding Atelier at the Impact-Hub Berlin on May 3, we were able to make further contacts with participants from the coding community in addition to many productive...

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